For 30 years Praxis has been a go-to vendor for Chevron, with a record for finding innovative solutions to complex training problems. The following information details one such project.

Client Since



Oil and Gas Energy


Process Simulations
Commercial Learning


Chevron approached Praxis to develop a desktop training program capable of pre-screening personnel and assessing their potential to work as Console Operators.

The Project

In 1995, Praxis and Chevron collaborated to develop a desktop training program capable of screening personnel, with the goal of identifying future Console Operators. Chevron had previously commissioned a number of studies in this area and working together with a team of experienced Console Operators from various Chevron refineries, Praxis set to work designing a program to accomplish this goal. In addition to writing and illustrating the eLearning content, Praxis used neural networks to analyze process data collected from a Chevron distillation unit in order to build a simulation modeled on that unit. Praxis then developed a series of simulation exercises designed to test trainees and assess their abilities in certain key areas identified as being qualities found in good console operators.

The Result

The Console Operator Development Evaluation (CODE) program, was a 2-day desktop training program that combined traditional eLearning content with a distillation process simulator. The first day consisted of eLearning content detailing the DCS interface and the operation of the distillation unit. The second day consisted of a series of guided scenarios to familiarize users with the simulated Honeywell DCS interface and process simulator. These were followed by unguided scenarios, where users had to manage the process on their own, optimize it to increase production and profitability and address changes in feed, upset conditions and other variables. Upon completion, the CODE program generated a Performance Report which rated users and scored them in the key areas.  

The CODE program was deployed to all Chevron refineries and used widely for over a decade. In 2011 the CODE program was revamped and re-released as CODE II which is still in use today at several Chevron sites.

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